Tuesday 3 April 2012

How long is your hair?...If you think its long enough then i think you should see this

 Natasha Moraes de Andrade, who lives in an impoverished shanty town in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, has never had a haircut. At 5ft 3in, she is just one inch taller than the length of her wavy chestnut hair - and the maintenance it requires sees her use a full bottle of shampoo every week. See more pictures below...

 According to Guinness the world's longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping (China) at 5.627 m (18 ft 5.54 in) when measured on May 8, 2004. She has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13. The images below are of Xie Qiuping caring for her hair.

Na wa for these people hair sef...so tell me how long is your hair?

1 comment:

  1. its quite long but how am i sure its not photo shop?


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