Thursday, 15 March 2012

N1.1million 24ct gold plated BB Porsche: Latest big boy TOY.

This is just to separate the rich from the rich...No way for the poor guy...EIYA
As if the 450K ordinary BB Porsche wasn't enough to cause sudden heart surge, the latest limited edition of BB Porsche with 24ct gold is the Bomdigidi in town now.  There are only 100 of this device and each will be marked and numbered. Also 10% of the sale price will go to support the Sport Relief charity. So be a nice sportman and buy one.
Na wa oO, very soon people will start keeping their phones in banks...


  1. i will buy this tomorrow...i pray that my faith moves every mountain

  2. No beefing remember police is your friend

  3. BB Bad Business for men that seek to impress ladies

  4. who wan buy????

  5. with the latest announcement of quaterly jumbo pay to our legislators at the expense of the electorates to the tune of 27.3million each will go for it.


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