Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Actress Susan Peters shows off her N450,000 BB Porsche. 'Cheap thing'.

It's over a decade that this celeb started acting, and with a successful career after shooting movies like BURSTING OUT, STONE FACE, SPIRITUAL WAR, OBCURE MOTIVES, NOLLYWOOD HUSTLERS, WICKED INTENSIONS to list but a few, she has decided to to tell the Nigerian celebs that she is also a rich achiever, with enough cash to throw around.
The highly debated gadget, presently costing N450,000 minimum, was picked up by this lady without thinking (actually she refused to tell us about that), and flaunting it is actually the main reason why one would buy a phone 90% similar to a BB bold at that price, and she is doing that well
Let's watch out for how many Nigerians would take such an account killing step in the weeks to come.