Friday, 17 February 2012

Very patient artist crafts photo-realistic portrait of his father from 3.2MILLION tiny dots

At first glance, this picture might just looks like a photocopy of a man's face squashed up against a photocopier.
But look more closely and it becomes clear it is actually made up from a phenomenal 3.2million tiny dots.
Miguel Endara from Miami, Florida, spent almost a year creating this 11in by 17in portrait of his father - meticulously positioning each tiny dot by hand.
Mr Endara said: 'I'm a great admirer of stippling, so I decided to create this portrait of my father using this technique to experience this incredible art form for myself.
'I've always wanted to pay tribute to my father for being a great person.
'His personality is warm and unquestionably friendly, and of course very playful - as you can see in the unflattering drawing he agreed to participate in.

'We scanned a series of images of his face, and the final portrait is an amalgamation of those photos.'
Over 11 months, Miguel spent 210 hours painstakingly completing the picture using a single Sakura Pigma Micron pen with a nib of just 0.2mm.
He added: 'The number of dots is an approximation, not an exact number. But it's a very, very close approximation.

'I filmed myself in just about every section of my drawing and got an average of 4.25 dots per second, which translated into 3,213,000 dots if you multiply that by 210 hours, which is what I logged in for the drawing.'
Now Mr Endara's video has become an online sensation, attracting more than 6million views in two months on video sharing site Vimeo.


  1. thats is real talent...its good

  2. This is so so gud, how i wish i could do such a thing

  3. its really a good talent, people will kill to have such a talent

  4. who did the they actually have pens that count???????

  5. I love this could really be worth millions

  6. this is indeed a rear people can actually be this patient.

  7. this is a very nice piece, good 1 bro.

  8. this is brave..i like it


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