Saturday, 25 February 2012

Tyra Banks Graduates From Harvard Business School

As the brains behind the America's Next Top Model franchise, we already knew Tyra Banks was more than just a pretty face.Now the model and mogul has defied any remaining doubters by graduating from Harvard Business School.
While the rest of the style set was in New York for Fashion Week, the 38-year-old was in Boston, Massachusetts, collecting her diploma.

Tyra Banks, who enrolled in the Owner/President Management Program in 2010, tweeted a photo of herself at the event on February 17.
She wrote: 'On stage at my Harvard Business School graduation! Lil blurry but SUCH an exciting moment 4 me & wanted 2 share w/u!'

Wearing a strappy black dress and towering heels, she was likely one of the most glamorous graduates.
But it seems, as the founder of Bankable Enterprises, she was one of the students to most impress her professors too.

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