Sunday, 13 November 2011

PROVERBS 1 (My Summary)

Words of wisdom are words which the wise man hears and increases in learning, the man of understanding hears and attains unto wise counsel being able to disarm between judgments, justice and equity; understanding proverbs and their various interpretations, the words and their dark meanings. We also understand that the fear on the lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is only fools that despise wisdom and instructions since they choose not to fear the lord and embrace wisdom.
They are fools because they have chosen not to fear the lord and as such, have indirectly chosen not to be wise: so they shall call out to wisdom in the days of their youths and shall receive no answer. They shall eat the fruits of their own devices and with every of their prosperity turning back to destroy them since they hated wisdom and have chosen not to eat its fruit.

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