Thursday, 17 November 2011

LIVE confessions on excessive PORN HABIT

A young man, who would rather remain anonymous, in a confession, said he had been looking at internet pornography since he began college 13 years ago. He continued, at age 24, I noticed difficulty getting aroused with real women. Generic Viagra off the Internet allowed me to have real relationships with minor problems until I got to the age of 30. Then, it became increasingly difficult to have real sex, even with the drugs. Realizing my problem, I tried several times to give up porn. The longest I lasted without it was three weeks. During this time, I could not get aroused thinking about normal sex, so I was frustrated. My only escape was to fall back into the only thing that would arouse me: fantasizing about the images I had developed when watching porn. Then it was back to porn”. Up until now it is still very difficult to let go, I am fighting this habit and I will continue till I’m free. It’s been a month and two weeks since I last watched a porn video but I still get the urge to when I see ladies around in tight outfits. I know I would one day recover because I have made a vow not to go back to my previous habit.
My advice to anyone that will care to listen is not to engage in this habit, because it is better not to than to keep battling to quit.

Another anonymous individual also stated that, after years of pornography, he begun having trouble with erections. He said his problem got worse and worse for a couple of more years; therefore he needed “more and more types of porn stimulation, and it still were not helping. I was really worried, but the anxiety just pushed me deeper into porn.” He reflected that he had “probably used every type of porn image and video out there. The more I go without porn, masturbation, fantasy and orgasm, the more difficult it becomes to not get an erection.”

Surveys from past events shows that one of the major causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) is excessive pornography habit. Aside these confessions, surveys always shows that men between the ages of 35 and 70 seeking primary medical care indicated that the age-adjusted prevalence of ED were 57.4 per cent in Nigeria, 63.6 per cent in Egypt, and 80.8 per cent in Pakistan.
Experts have also confirmed this. According to the PychologyToday, “a growing number of young, internet pornography users are complaining of delayed ejaculation, inability to be turned on by real partners, and sluggish erections. Lots of guys, in their 20s or so, can't get it up anymore with a real girl, and they all relate this to having a serious porn/masturbation habit”.
An urologist professor at the University of Padua and head to the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine, Professor Carlo Foresta, when interviewed about the survey, said that 70 per cent of the young men his clinic treated for sexual performance problems had been using pornography heavily.
Marnia Robinson in her published article, “As Porn Goes Up, Performance Goes Down" also attributed this to the reasons behind some men's inability to perform. According to her "most men’s potency isn’t affected by porn...until it is. So the problem seems illusory until it catches up with someone—at which point he tends to mistake hotter porn as the cure. More extreme material further desensitises his brain. At this juncture, most men clutch at any explanation other than porn use for their symptoms, due to their growing dependency.”
According to Dr. Norman Doidge, a psychiatrist “heavy porn user are just as addicted to porn as heavy drug addicts are, with time they will no longer get high on images that once turned them on.
The spread of porn via the internet is increasing the rate, at which people become impotent. Almost every one access the internet through all forms of electronic gadgets, internet pornography has become more accessible to everyone – men, women, even children.  Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Is a Growing Problem, desperate young men from various cultures, with different levels of education, religiosity, attitudes, values, diets, marijuana use and personalities are seeking help. They have only two things in common: heavy use of today's internet porn and increasing need for more extreme material. These are habits that should be controlled for one’s own benefit.
Aside all these, the good news is that pornography-induced erectile dysfunction is reversible, as long as the sufferer is willing to give up his compulsive pornographic use.

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