Thursday, 17 May 2012

Mystery Baby born with a Qur'ran

The baby was born on Monday May 7thth, 2012, at Victoria Moses Church in Mushin, to an unmarried mother. According to the child's mother, Kikelomo Ikori, 32, when the baby was delivered, they saw him holding something in his hand which was stained with blood, and after cleaning it, they discovered it was a mini Qur'an.

A day after the baby was born, hundreds of people stormed the resident of the new mum in Shonde street, Ijeshatedo, Surulere, wanting to see the baby with their own eyes. And since his birth, quite a number of Islamic scholars have traveled far and wide to see the baby. Some people believe it's real, some don't.

The baby's mother Kike, who was a christian before giving birth to the baby has now turned to a Muslim. The baby's daddy is a married man who left Kike and told her to abort the pregnancy when he found out she was pregnant, but Kike decided to keep the pregnancy.

What do you make out of this story? if it is true which religion is now the right one?


  1. i don't believe this

  2. christain for life17 May 2012 at 11:43

    people and their stories,even if it is true i will still be a christian.

  3. hahahahaha...this one na lie oo, ebuka where you see am??????

  4. Qur'ran ko Bible ni

  5. people are just looking for storing that will make them money,this is bullshit

  6. bullshit sells


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