Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Black Faze Sent Packing From His Rented Apartment

The current economic bad wind is really blowing on Black faze.
The popular plantation boy was really sent into the wilderness to fend for himself after owing his landlord the sum of 1.4M.
The former singer is said to have moved in with a friend at Ijegun Waterside. It will be recalled that, his wife also left him early this year after he could no longer meet the needs of his family. What a hard life this has been for him.
 Can you remember that his song HARD LIFE...
  Tu face help your guy na!!!

1 comment:

  1. eya.... see the guy. why is there always one unsuccessful person in every group. see him from plantation boys. see michelle from destiny's child. the guy should beg tuface for small money sha


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